

Jumat, 10 April 2009


IGW since childhood always personally in remained equally second his parents,

they went until not coming again. while carrying out IGW education from the Primary School, to the Junior Secondary School for the problem, of the cost in bore by his grandmother, and when increasing to the senior secondary school by using the cost personally.

IGW Jarko Widhiantoro, was born in Sidoharjo during 1986 the month 12 and in the date 08. ended the Negeri PRIMARY SCHOOL primary school 3 Sidoharjo and the Negeri JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Kalianda Lampung South.

Continued to the of secondary school Bhinneka Banda Lampung in 2003. And at this time continued in the Lampung Country Polytechnic to take the Route D3TKJ that was carried out on the government, liked to work hard and when the school in the primary school had gotten the class champion and the LKS champion for the IPA part the level of the regency.

And the champion of LKS in 2006 the level of the Province that in carry out in SMK Negeri 2 Banda Lampung the Mekanik Otomotif technical field

Apart from the theme above also had the interest and active wrote in the theme that was connected with the management, motivation and organisational.

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